Camp Christy is Building a Barn!
A long-wished dream is coming true for those who love and work at Camp Christy, a barn, which will include an office, is being built!
There are many reasons why a new barn is needed and is different for many. Here are some of the top reasons:
The structure of the two current storage units, especially the mechanics shed, is poor. Holes are allowing critters to get through.
These buildings are in the proximity where campers and guests hang out creating an eye sore as well as some hazards.
These units are not large enough to house all equipment including the tractor that is used for snow removal. The tractor, stored outside, often does not start in snowy weather because it is too cold.
Due to a hail storm in May 2018 roofs need to be replaced.
The office is in the manager’s house which does not allow for privacy for the managers and others during staff/new client interviews. The office is also small. Due to the success of the camp in recent years and the need for more files and materials, more space is needed.
The new barn will be 40x60x14 and will have two exterior doors and two 12x12 foot garage doors. This will allow for easy entry of equipment and people.
Insulation will be added to keep the building’s temperature mild allowing for a comfortable temperature for the managers and volunteers to work as well as conducive for the tractor to start.
The exterior will match the other new buildings, beige and hunter green. A 6x24 foot porch will be added to the south of the building where the office door is located…providing a welcoming entry.
For the convenience of the managers, this barn will be built by their house allowing them convenience is accessing the office and other mechanical equipment. This is seen as especially important this past winter with the numerous inches of snow!
It was the decision of the board to proceed with plans for the barn due to two large memorials given by Selma Loewen and Mable Davis, and funds given during the 2018 Scott Community Foundation Giving Day. This project will come in under well under $100,000 when all is said and done.
If the ground unfreezes in time, we will break ground in March or April with the plumbing, concrete, and exterior to be completed by May 4th, the date of the 90th Birthday Bash for Camp Christy!
The walls and other components of the office will be completed by the ABMEN in July with other interior work to be done over time.
The managers and board of Camp Christy are so excited to share this news with you and hope those of you reading this will be able to come and experience the legacy of this new building.