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Playground Upgrade-Complete!

Camp Christy, in an effort to keep campers safer, is in the process of upgrading the playground.  After a visit from our Church Mutual Safety Inspector, we were given helpful suggestions on how to complete this upgrade.


We are wanting to replace our merry-go-round with a model that does not have a center to push from and is closer to the ground. 

Current Merry-go-Round


Current Equipment

This piece of equipment needs to be commercial graded.  We have found a suitable replacement for a wide variety of ages and number of kids!  Doesn't it look fun?!

Replacement Equipment


This project cost Camp Christy $37,943 to successfully complete.  A grant was submitted to the Thiel Charitable Trust and accepted!  Two fall work days took place in 2016 and this playground was successfully installed! 

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